
#читаемнаанглийскомвместе #рба29а
О маркетинговых приемах продвижения на фейсуке для молодежной аудитории

Facebooking It: Promoting Library Services to Young Adults through Social Media
Abigail L. Phillips


With social media a normal part of the daily lives of young adults, librarians are using these sites to promote library services. This arti- cle investigates the perceptions and attitudes of librarians toward social media as a tool for libraries and explores the way librarians utilize social media to portray professional roles and responsibil- ities to young patrons. This author focuses on the pastoral role of librarians and discusses possibilities for performing this role through social media. Although presently under-researched, social media provides librarians with one more avenue to advocate for, engage with, and support young adults.