Экономический кризис затронул ИФЛА

iflaВ связи со сложной экономической обстановкой, ИФЛА решила отменить принятое в 2007 году решение о проведении Конгресса 2010 года в Австралии (г. Брисбан). ПРавление ИФЛА считает, что такое далекое расположение места проведения может привести к серьезным финансовым потерям для ИФЛА.
Правление ИФЛА признательно Австралийскому оргкомитету за подготовительные работы, и приносит свои сожаления в связи с необходимостью отменить.
О новом месте проведения конгресса в 2010 году будет сообщено отдельно.
Далее — цитата из рассылки (на английском языке):

In 2007 IFLA announced Brisbane, Australia as the location for the IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) for 2010. It is our great regret to advise that the2010 IFLA WLIC will not be held in Brisbane. With the uncertainty around the world economic crisis combined with very limited opportunity for government and local financial support the Governing Board has agreed that it cannot risk a potential significant financial loss for IFLA. This is a great disappointment for the Governing Board members, the National Committee members, our Australian colleagues, and I’m sure all of you looking forward to the 2010 WLIC in Brisbane. We will be announcing separately the new location for the 2010 IFLA WLIC.

The IFLA Governing Board very much appreciates the hard work of our Australian National Committee colleagues in their efforts to secure government and local industry funding support. At the time of the selection of Brisbane the bid committee advised Governing Board that there would be very limited opportunity for this funding support. The Governing Board was optimistic that this situation would change and that enough support would be identified to make the WLIC financially viable.

A significant contribution to the WLIC by local government and industry is required for IFLA to offer its members and delegates, sponsors and exhibitors the services and quality they expect in our flagship congress. This contribution, in funds and in kind, assists us in the provision of features such as audio visual support, simultaneous interpretation, IFLA Express in our seven languages, the cultural evening and services for our exhibitors.

The Governing Board members thank the Brisbane National Committee members for alerting them to the impact of limited local funding and possible reduced delegate numbers due to the world economic crisis and restrictions on travel budgets.

Claudia Lux Ellen Tise
IFLA President 2007 — 2009 IFLA President-elect 2007 — 2009
IFLA President 2009 — 2011


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