#культурноеНаследие #ОбсерваторияКультуры
Знаете ли Вы, что 2017 или 2018 гг. станет годом культурного наследия? Так что полезно планировать публикации на эту тему и собирать материал…
#WorldHeritage attracts and fascinates: media around the world publish thousands of articles about it every year and countries invest a great deal of work to get sites inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Yet not enough is known about the
conservation and management efforts that go into protecting the Outstanding Universal Value of the 1000+ sites that are currently on the List.
World Heritage in Europe Today, our new publication brings together the experience, challenges and success stories of the thousands of people who are directly involved with World Heritage in Europe — a region which accounts for close to half of the World Heritage List.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1Vq6KSN
Photo: © UNESCO/Jérémie Claeys Екатерина Шибаева February 18, 2016 at 09:52PM from Facebook