Я планировала изучать также, как библиотеки продвигают свои издательские проекты в социальных медиа. В Национальной библиотеке Австралии есть интересный пример. На сайте библиотеки есть блог, в который пишут представители разных подразделений. Эти публикации видны на любой странице сайта, и в тематических разделах можно выбрать показ подборки записей в блоге, имеющих отношение к просматриваемой странице. Так я и наткнулась на историю от лица сотрудников издательского подразделения. История 2015 года, но из-за этого она не кажется устаревшей.
NLA Publishing tells amazing stories from the Library’s collection—here’s how
I have worked at NLA Publishing (the publishing section of the National Library of Australia) for the past 10 years. My team of talented editors, picture researchers and designers produce over 18 illustrated books a year all based on the Library’s fabulous collections. We publish many genres of book—children’s, history, natural history, art history, gift books for special occasions—and they often come about in very different ways.
В жанре блога всегда важна искренняя личная история. И здесь нам предлагается биографическая история сотрудницы Издательства Сюзанны Холл. Имея опыт работы в издательствах Великобритании и Франции, она уверяет, что работа в библиотеке намного интереснее, чем ее предыдущий опыт. Вот как она описывает обычные задачи на день (включающие от изучения фондов библиотеки в поисках потенциальной темы для книги, встречи с авторами, вычитка и комментарии для дизайнера верстки детских книг, финальная проверка буклетов, обсуждение верстки годового отчета и мозговой штурм по вопросу поиска лучшего заголовка для книги) :
Spending time scouring the collection for ideas for new books is only part of what I do. My tasks for the day might range from examining a manuscript in the collection to see if it is potential book subject matter, meeting with an author to talk about the text that they have just delivered, going through some children’s picture book page proofs to make comments on the design, doing a final read and sign-off on some leaflets and advertisements, discussing the table layout in the annual report and having a brainstorming meeting to find a good book title. The variety of my job is part of its challenge and its appeal, but the best part is the creative thinking that goes into using the collection in a book in a new way that will appeal to people.
Также она описывает процесс зарождения идеи для будущего издания:
So how do we come up with ideas for our books? One way is to use an interesting manuscript item as the springboard to a broader story, in a highly illustrated format. One of my favourites is Crime, Punishment and Redemption by June Slee, based on John Ward’s convict diary. John Ward wrote this when he was imprisoned on Norfolk Island, and he looks back over his life of crime (including theft, sexual assault and more). He describes many fascinating things, from life as a servant (Ward was a groom to an officer gentleman) to the experience of prison hulks, but what I found so interesting was the way he revealed his own personality, his ruthlessness and lack of empathy. He blames all of his behaviour on the fact that his parents forbade him to marry his sweetheart (leading to his alcoholism) and on his victims—the attractive servant girl who walked in front of him on the street when she must have known he was drunk and would not be able to resist attacking her; the employer who left out his handkerchief and tempted him to steal. When I was working on the book, there was a news report about a kidnapper in the US who had held two girls in his home for years and who also tried to blame his victims for his behaviour. Listening to him, I was struck by the similarities. Here we can see a damaged individual, John Ward, exposing his thoughts in a way I found compelling.
Жаль, что обещание Сюзанны рассказать другие истории изданий не реализовалось. Но мне кажется, что формат таких публикаций позитивно влияет на имидж издательства и самой библиотеки, и может быть полезен и для других издающих библиотек.